Monday, May 23, 2016

Causes and consequences caused by drug-resistant virus or drugs

Doctors say HIV drug resistance is a matter of concern in his career as a medical treatment. The World Health Organization (WHO) show that HIV drug resistance is all regions across the world are facing both the present and the future.
HIV drug resistance situation be?
Minute weekly health at this time, Leng Mali there are reports about drug resistance as follows:
HIV or drug-resistant diseases or sometimes called viral drugs is a problem that doctors in the country and The world is very concerned.
Doctors who are striving to fight against viral pathogens that they have to face their profession because of various infectious diseases difficult to treat drug-resistant virus.
At this point the cancer specialist at the Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital Dr Kui said this luck and make some circles doctors treat livestock diseases: the reputation of the doctor what medical doctors want is outstanding. Who also want a professional tune is to be praised as outstanding. When am sure that each medical stoked sure to do technically. But the treatment is not to be like us. If chronic diseases such as tuberculosis treatment for 6 months, 8 months, bone tuberculosis 1 year to 1 year and a half. Is this feed? Is not. All doctors to follow their techniques just do not like us. When asked a doctor pet doctor that client (customer) is isolated. Take advantage of a patient hunger and disease to spread losses Client (client) hundreds. Speaking of profits each doctor so they do not slip Khmer feed.
Doctors explained that patients who have drug-resistant virus in its consequences for medical treatment because doctors the long-time treatment and therapy, otherwise complicated: TB that we know that hundreds of years. Now, for example, mouth ulcers due to scientific progress in the understanding within the patient before the doctor has already swallowed. At that time and in ourselves. Unknown virus that has meant that resistance (resistance) with drugs. The doctors know whether a doctor. But the doctors, both of them, and I do not write R. de Sonando you buy a 5 first Realty. Make sure to buy a 1 billion-2 billion riels.
The drug-resistant virus can occur in all categories, including bacteria viruses, fungi and parasites.
Report of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States (CDC) in 2013 shows that in the United States each year there are very At least 2 million people infected with bacteria resistant to antibiotics (antibiotics), and at least 23 thousand people die every each year due to diseases caused by germs resistant to antibiotics directly. Many people died from the consequences of the disease caused by drug-resistant virus.
Why some virus that leads to drug resistance?
Dr. lucky Kui said the causes that lead to HIV drug resistance is primarily caused by the medication incorrectly dose level (dose): The reason a general resistance mining (Naturel). Has meant that it can not, since birth. The second reason is because we use. From you suppose it will be used 3 grams buy Fa Fa-half to 1 gram or 1 gram. Take just snack. Use only a week. Entered its second week taking it no longer needs. Has meant that it recognized Arafat and buys another drug use. 2 grams to 1 gram or half a gram to one. The third time, doctors do not know the resistance or no resistance as doctors opted for the same use. And to see the effectiveness of the drug is the time from 48 to 72 hours. Weakly 48 hours. Meaning that 2 days. If the 2-day doctor whether it is drug trafficking. Time, and that is the challenge that pet doctor. Story we meet everyday. We need doctors and patients understand each other, and even better patient care shells or R. de constructions we used the doctor showed it to be profitable to know that we are sick so we are not taking this. So, do not use it again.
In other words, taking a sufficient number of days to be taken is another reason, which leads to drug-resistant virus. The pills are not the proper level and the number of days that the doctor ordered to make viral pathogens that can just unconscious change or convert it's a very effective and won drugs or medication is effective only once. At the time, the virus not only killed by it also can grow and split more. This makes some patients even more difficult to treat.
Officials monitoring the problem of drug resistance, the World Health Organization, Dr. Kenny DEG Fukushima (Keiji Fukuda) shows that HIV drug resistance is a matter of primary concern because drug-resistant virus that can kill the patient can infect others and make a budget, both for individuals and communities .
The World Health Organization indicates that poor quality drugs prescribed to prevent and control infectious diseases are only good factors leading to drug-resistant viruses. In addition, the use of antibiotics or antibiotic antibiotics (antibiotics) is not valid for the animals to grow fat and animal disease prevention is also a driving factor HIV drug resistance, because drug-resistant virus from the use of antibiotics or antibiotic antibiotics (antibiotics) is not valid for the animals that can be transmitted disease to humans through infected food.
The consequences of drug-resistant strains of the virus is making serious consequences for social and economic costs for treatment each and make it difficult to manage other diseases, including tuberculosis, malaria and HIV. In some big budget and thousands of direct and indirect billion for HIV resistance.
How do to prevent HIV drug resistance?
The doctor advised to maintain personal hygiene and better sanitation and water not to have been received some adequate prevention because prevention is also a way to prevent HIV drug resistance problem prevention prevent infection in hospitals, community food and avoid or reduce the use of unnecessary antibiotics.
What you can do is 1 antibiotics, but doctors recommend or prescribe. 2 pills every level (dose) and the prescribed number of days, however, you are unwell or some relief and yet. 3 Do not use antibiotics with others, and are not using antibiotics left over from previous prescriptions.
The World Health Organization stressed that if we are to prevent this, it would mean that in the future we will be able to die with just a minor illness or injury because no antiseptics

Causes and consequences caused by drug-resistant virus or drugs Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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